3. The Sacral Chakra and the Adrenal Glands

3. The Sacral Chakra and the Adrenal Glands

In this series on Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection, I have previously discussed how the chakras are the soul component of the person and the glands are the body component, and promised that we would use our minds to help us bridge the gap in understanding between the two. In this article, we will look at the natural function of the adrenal glands to help us learn about the supernatural function of the sacral chakra.

The Adrenal Glands

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The adrenal glands are located at the tops of the kidneys. They are in charge of regulating digestion, self-defense, and blood pressure. The adrenal glands produce the hormones cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline, as well as the hormones that regulate our blood sugar and keep our body processing then nutrients we receive.

Cortisol is released in response to fear. Aldosterone regulates blood pressure, the flow of blood to and from the heart. Under stress, the blood vessels constrict in order to protect the body in case of blood loss. Adrenaline is released in order to prepare the body to run or fight. Lungs are affected by this hormone.

If the gonads are releasing panic signals, these hormones swing into action. It heightens our senses to make us aware of potential dangers and get us out of harm’s way. Long term stress leads to high blood pressure, weight gain that does not respond to dieting or exercise, frequent panic and anxiety attacks, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.

The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located right beneath the belly button. It is in charge of digesting the information we are receiving from the world, taking the good out of it and discarding what is harmful to us. It is in charge of protecting our sense of self-worth and keeping our sense of identity from harm. It is in charge of regulating the flow of energy to and from our heart and our head. Connecting with our sacral chakra is about learning to discern between what is truly harmful to us and what is not.

When the Sacral Chakra is Blocked

When we are not able to receive the divine energy that tells us how to distinguish between what is good for us and what is not, we will be ruled and controlled by our fears. We will end up feeling unable to get enough of anything because what we truly need isn’t able to be processed or digested properly. We’ll stuff our lives full of things we don’t need in an effort to fill the hunger that never seems to go away.

When the Sacral Chakra Is Too Open

If we’re too discerning, we risk becoming too regulated and too controlled. We count every calorie in every bite of food we eat and never enjoy the richness of life. We count every dime and penny and we never enjoy the money we have earned. We block out anyone who even hints at making us unhappy and miss out on the lessons that those people have to offer us. We don’t listen to anything that doesn’t fit with what we think is right and as a result can miss out on growth opportunities. We become so focused on purging what is harmful from our lives that we fail to absorb what is good.

Balance Is the Key

The head tells us to block out everything that would hurt us. The heart tells us to trust everything. The key is to balance those two demands. We need to keep the flow of what is good coming into us and the flow of what is not good going out of us in a steady rhythm.

Next: The Solar Plexus Chakra and the Pancreas

In this coming article, we will examine the solar plexus chakra and what the pancreas tells us that can help us understand the needs of the soul better so that we can continue to improve our lives, our health, and our happiness.

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2. The Root Chakra – Regulating and Directing the Flow of Energy

2. The Root Chakra – Regulating and Directing the Flow of Energy

In a previous post, Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection, I related the soul to being a lot like the electricity that allows the computer to function. Without that electricity, the operating system and the parts of the computer are useless.

I also related the fact that the chakras are the soul component of the glands that are correlated to them. So for this article, we will examine what we know about the glands, what we know about the chakras, and what connection we can make between the two by examining the underlying meaning of them.

What the Glands Do

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The glands in the body can be thought of as switches in the computer. They are responsible for regulating and directing the flow of energy coming from the nervous system out into the body. The energy that powers the body is known as hormones. The glands in the body act as message delivery centers that tell the organs in the body what to do and when, and the hormones are the messengers that carry those messages to the organs.

What the Chakras Do

Like the glands, the chakras act as switches that direct the flow of energy coming from the divine into the soul. The energy that powers the soul is known as chi. The chakras act as message delivery centers that tell the operating system in the brain what to do and when, and the chi are the messengers that carry those messages to the operating system.

The Base Glands: The Gonads

The testes and ovaries secrete hormones that regulate growth and development. The gonads provide the bulk of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. While they are called sex hormones because they result in the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts and chest hair, they are primarily responsible for preparing the body for reproduction and the ability to feel sexual desire.

When the Gonads are not working properly, everything stops working. The mind can’t seem to stay focused. The entire body feels drained of energy. It can feel like nothing is reaching you. Desire is suppressed or even absent. Your ability to control your emotions is decreased and you may seem more irritable than usual.

The Root Chakra

The root chakra is related to feelings of trust and security, trust in others, trust in ourselves, and security in our relationships with others and with the world. When the root chakra is blocked, we are worried, anxious, and ruled by fear. We may close in on ourselves rather than opening up and reaching out.

Reproduction, Creativity, and Trust

When we are our best selves, we are open to giving and to receiving love, and reproduction is the result. We are open to giving and receiving ideas, and creativity is the result. Trust is what allows us to be open to give and receive love. Trust is what allows us to be open to giving and receiving ideas. Trust is what allows our energy to flow naturally, effortlessly, and without having to “do” anything except be ourselves.

The Source of Self-Confidence and Security

Trust is the source of self-confidence and security. When we trust, it is because we feel safe. We feel secure. We know that nothing is meant for our harm, and all is meant for our good. This leads us to confidence in ourselves, in others, and in our world.

The Trust Hormone

Oxytocin, the hormone that regulates trust, is secreted by the gonads. It is released into the blood stream during physical touch, sexual intercourse, nursing, and childbirth. Oxytocin boosts the brain’s tendency to prioritize the needs of others ahead of our own.

Too Much Trust Is Not Healthy

Trust makes us vulnerable to those who are not working in our best interests. Sexually, too much trust leads to promiscuity which can leave us broken hearted, feeling used, and even being abused. Creatively, too much trust can result in us giving everything away without opening ourselves up to receiving in return, and that can lead us to feeling used, abused, and misunderstood. This is why balance is the key.

The Other Chakras

The role of the other chakras is to protect the Root Chakra’s natural tendency to be open, vulnerable, trusting, and giving by guiding and directing its energies in an appropriate manner.

Next: The Sacral Chakra and the Adrenal Glands

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1. Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection

1. Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection

You’ve probably heard the word chakras before this point. It’s a concept closely associated with New Age practices, and is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. It refers to the seven primary energy centers of the body. Until recently, Western science largely dismissed the relevance of the chakras and relegated it to superstition. However, as we learn more about the glands that are located in the body, it becomes easy to spot the correlation between where the chakras are located and where those glands are located.

Chakras and the Hormone Factories of the Body

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Chakras correlate to the 7 hormone centers of the body that regulate everything from sleep and reproduction to brain function and mental awareness. The idea that ancient people might have been able to observe and recognize that something special was happening at these particular places of the body shouldn’t surprise anybody. Our ancestors weren’t stupid even if they didn’t have all the pieces of the information puzzle put together.

The Reason for the Conflicting Information

Out there on the internet, you will find a ton of conflicting information about the chakras and their connection to the glands located in the body. This is to be expected. To be perfectly honest, most of us are still trying to connect the dots. We’re still trying to figure out how what our ancestors observed to be true about Chakras corresponds to what Western Science tells us is true about the way hormones regulate the body. The picture is still coming into focus, so the answers aren’t clear yet. But I think this is largely because we’re looking at things from the wrong perspective.

The Competing Theories

The prevailing theory in Western science is that there is no soul. The body and the mind are all that there is and all that we need to focus our attention on taking care of for optimal health. The emotions are considered to be a byproduct of the body’s attempt to survive. They are useful only in terms of helping the human body to survive.

The prevailing theory in Eastern thought is that there is no body. The body and mind are there simply to help us learn about the soul and once the body and mind have fulfilled their intended purpose, we will discard them and move on to another plane. Desires are considered a byproduct of the body’s existence. They are to be ignored or fought.

A New Approach Is Needed

Western science likes to treat the body as if it were just a collection of parts with no soul to it. Rather than treating the body as an integrated union of parts working together, which is what it was designed to do, it treats each part as if it were separate and distinct from the rest. What Western science does not understand and cannot see it likes to discard and treat as irrelevant.

Eastern thought compartmentalizes things in a different way. It treats the body as if it were a means to an end, useful in gaining insight into the workings of the soul but otherwise to be discarded once what is needed has been gained. The body’s desires are treated with disdain and the ultimate goal of the Eastern practice is to rid oneself of the connection to the body altogether. To become so “enlightened” that the body’s information is no longer needed.

However, human beings are more than just a body. They are more than just a mind. And they are far more than just a soul. They are designed to be an integrated whole.

Understanding Body, Mind, and Soul

When you want to build a computer, you have all of these parts that you must assemble. The parts are not the computer. Without an operating system and power the computer is useless. Once you build that computer, you must install an operating system in order to be able to interact with it. The operating system is not the computer. Without the rest of the parts of the computer, the operating system is useless. Finally, you must direct energy into the computer’s parts in order for those parts and the operating system to function. This is the soul. The soul is the energy that makes everything else work. The soul by itself can do nothing. It has no way to focus that energy.

The Body-Mind-Soul Connection

The soul is not a separate entity from the body. The body is not isolated from the soul. The mind is not a separate entity from the body. When we live in body-mind-soul integration, this is when we find true fulfillment and peace in our lives. Everything about the body tells us something about the soul that is connected to it. The mind is there to act as a bridge between the physical body and the soul. It allows you to interact with, ask questions of, and get answers from the soul by observing the emotions, desires, and responses of the body.

Everything About the Body Has a Soul Component To It

Science talks about the glands, Eastern thought talks about the chakras. The two things are not the same. If you look at the function of the glands, it does not directly correspond to what is being said about the function of the chakra it correlates to. This is the cause of the confusion between the two. It doesn’t exactly match. However, the reason for this is simple: the Chakras refer to the soul component, the science is referring to the body component, and what is needed is the mind’s help to make the translation between the two.

The Soul Speaks In Symbols

The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that has a direct connection to the divine. The subconscious is our soul speaking to us. It is the creative, intuitive side of us and its native language is symbols and emotions. In our dreams, the subconscious mind communicates to us and helps us to make sense of the situations that we’ve encountered. Most of us aren’t trained to understand that language, so we ignore our dreams or dismiss them as crazy because they don’t make sense to us.

For example, when we dream of a house, most of us just look at the house as a house. It’s a physical object. We don’t look at what a house really means. A house is a place where we live, a space where our things are stored, a place that is supposed to be of safety and security. If we look at a house in that light, it’s easy to see that when we dream about a house, it’s a dream about our comfort zone, our personal space, our personal identity.

Dreaming about a house that is isolated often means you are feeling all alone. Dreaming about a house that’s been abandoned – you guessed it – often means you’re feeling abandoned. If the house is falling apart, it can mean we feel our lives are falling apart.

The Physical Body Is a Symbol

Your physical body is one giant symbol. Everything about it is a reflection of what is taking place in the spiritual world. You must learn to look beyond the surface to find the meaning of the symbol.  So, if you want to understand the correct correlation between the chakras and the soul, you have to look beyond the surface of what the gland is and does to what that really means.

Next: Chakras: Regulating and Directing the Flow of Energy

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