A Little Love Note about Elizabeth Nostvick Grooms & Johanna Gardner!
Coming in 2017 I knew my life was about to change. And I knew I needed help to do it. I was guided to two women – Elizabeth and Johanna.
I bought Elizabeth’s Chakra Circuit package and partnered it with a deep-dive two hour session with Johanna.
Elizabeth reprogrammed my sparkle & spidey sense and helped me call in harmony, love and peace.
Johanna helped me identify the root to a block I couldn’t see and helped me heal it.
Between these two ladies, my life has sincerely changed.
This is just a handful of what I’ve manifested within the last 10 days thanks to the work I’ve done with these two beautiful babes…
?This is the first time I’ve ever made 4 figures in one week since launching my storytelling business last year.
?I was napping the other day and a woman called me to ask if I’d work with her 1:1. She put a down payment on and I have another $900 coming in within the next two weeks.
?I just received a free ticket to an event in town tonight.
?I was asked to partner on a reality show.
?Just had my first speaking gig of the year show up.
?And I met someone.
These two ladies are amazing and I’m so excited for what’s to come! I love these two ladies so much that we’re putting our heads together to create a program to help others!
Jump on in…the manifesting is crazypants powerful!
Wow, wow, WOW! I just had the most amazing 30-minute session with Johanna who basically blew me away with her insights and it has entirely shifted the kinds of clients I even want to work with, so it’s totally aligned with who I am! And it was done with such warmth, heart, and humour! Thank you, Johanna!
Marie Fleming
Holy Mickey Mouse! Did I get your attention? Hope so because you NEED to read this. I just got off Skype from my Drawing reading and I’m still in total awe. I have mentors & others with whom I get readings, advice and valuable insights from but every so often I come across someone ‘out of the blue’ that I get a cold reading from. This one was one of the BEST I’ve ever had. She actually tunes into your energetic field and draws it out. Literally. She then sends you your drawing via email before your actual session. I have to say it was very cool looking, showed the chakras & a bunch of other items. Then the session came. She does her “spiel” as she likes to call it where she describes the drawing & every single stroke has a meaning. She was able to tune in & capture my exact physical illness (not a very common one) & where it was in the body, what my soul lessons are, my gifts and of course where blockages are but also the why… Some people can tune into some things but she nailed everything. Then she helps you break through the main blockages, gives you specific ways to continue healing yourself and then brings it all back around to colors and your drawing. Simply Spectacular! Looking forward to my next session and drawing to see how much my healing has progressed through the magic of color… Abundant Gratitude!!
I had a session today with Johanna. Goodness – that woman basically told me what’s what with me. I am now on a mission to get my gifts out into the world (and find some new partners as well! LOL) If you haven’t booked a session with her yet – get to it!.
UNBELIEVABLE. INCREDIBLE. AMAZING. To say Johanna is gifted is an understatement. She blew me away with the accuracy of my aura reading. She also gave me insight to my family, love life, home, and business. BEST READING EVER. I’ve had a lot of them and this was far and away the best. She’s so modest about her gifts and so willing to share details that will help a person to move forward and have the best life ever. I can’t say enough positive things about Johanna- you’re truly missing out if you don’t get a reading. I think it would be a great gift to give someone else too! �Thank you so much Johanna!!
Oh my gosh! Well, you hit the nail on the head for me. I’ve been dragging my feet about putting together a weekend women’s empowerment weekend. Then I saw your drawing. I thought how amazing would it be to give everyone a before and after of their energy as a snapshot of their progress for the weekend?!?
I see you’re in Texas (I’m in Monterey, CA). Coming there to a class there would be a good excuse to go visit my best friends that just relocated to Austin (George Town) this year. Unless, of course, you would consider coming out here to teach a full class?
I’m being called to lead and mentor in a new with psychic gifts. Thrilled that I could touch you, as you also validated the work I’ve been doing! Thank you, Thank you!
Shelley DonatiLove, Love, LOVE the energy drawing and reading done by Johanna!! It really clarified what I’ve have been feeling my whole life and helped me to understand that I’m indeed on the right path…..which is HUGE! Johanna knows her stuff and is super caring and loving while doing the reading! It was an awesome experience. I totally recommend getting a reading NOW before Johanna gets super booked and you have to wait months! Cuz believe me, it will happen Thanks again Johanna….looking forward to referring you to all my friends.
A couple of days ago my friend Johanna Gardner created this energetic drawing of me. She said I have a Star of David on my ankle/foot and that hadn’t seen it before and was going to get info on what that might mean…well, I have a tattoo of a lotus flower with a Star of David in the center!
She was so spot on with everything she said!
Elysia Hartzell
In half an hour this woman stripped me down and read my energy completely….this woman is AMAZEballs and I highly recommend a session with her if you REALLY want a raw, real, down to earth and honest look at yourself. She can see into your energetic field and your deepest self. She is GOOD! She floored me and actually left me SPEECHLESS which is difficult since I’ve always have a lot to say. LMAO. Johanna – you ROCK!! THANK YOU!!
Hello, girls! I’m really excited about life and for the great opportunity to meet amazing women in this group. I’m really happy to tell you about Johanna Gardner! She’s an intuitive Energy healer. She drew
my energy drawing that blew my mind. I felt so understood, calm and safe with her great energy and wisdom on what she revealed to me that matched and made so much sense to me.
Here’s what she wrote to me: and then texting went one…and on…
“Martina…. I love it when the curly energy shows up ….it’s rare!
When I meet people with curly energy they are usually the sweetest, most giving, loving people so you must be one of them. Lots of “pretty” energy…meaning delicate and soft flowing. On a soul level, you are most likely at the end of the karmic process if not finished. You have an enormous heart and lots of love to share.
Not sure what’s up with your right shoulder? Maybe emotional, or physical…but pressure on your shoulders, perhaps and extra sense of responsibility?
Thank you for letting me tap in. Hugs”
1. For long I felt this sense of responsibility to help others. I realized a few years ago, I was holding a heavy responsibility for others, and holding high unrealistic expectations, and I told her I’ve been working at it consistently to create a healthy lifestyle for me. She explained that the drawing actually shows exactly that, “check the GREEN color on my right shoulder.” It’s about to be healed and dealt with. Woooohooo….Today, I want to help women from a place that is healthy for them, and that’s healthy for me, my family and those around me.
2. About my karmic process…I’ve been working for quite some years so much on me, to release, to comprehend, detach, heal, reconcile through meditation, learning, practicing self-awareness, connecting with myself,
and my Higher Power, that I had released a lot!…coming to comprehensive and gratitude terms with people around me, the world, and the Universe let me Free. I’m so HAPPY and Joyfulll!!! in Gratitude!!!
3. But she does not stop there, she told me about something I‘d NEVER, ever told anybody, not even to my best friends, she told me about the times I felt “home sick.” Once she explained it all what this means, I went like “How in the world you know that?!!??!?” Speechless! She kindly replied: “Like I said, I can tell a lot about a soul…and their earthly life from my drawings…” and she…“lol”
4. She told me about my daughter, she tap into her, I’d say that my daughter is nothing but a loving walking heart. Everyone says about her every time. But, this time I understood! I love my daughter even more. Sometimes, we’re so blind to recognize how MUCH people are meant in our world. I’d love her then, today I love her much, much more.
5. I mentioned to her about my manifestations about a new color, turquoise (aqua, light blue) that comes so beautiful…but I didn’t want to mind. I’ve been so in love with yellow, green and lavender, as some of you might have already notice…lol She told me how this turquoise color manifest around open communications, which as well shows in the drawing. She didn’t know that the day before, I called a great friend to coach me about assertive communication, yes, I want to improve that! She mentioned how it shows “ok” on my communications but I sure to trust my voice and wisdom. I felt so confident about all she said to me that o came to realize strongly in believing in my voice and particularly to do not feel afraid of how strong it is, and for that same reason I called my “communication” friend since I notice I was freely expressing myself, but I feared I might offend people as it feels as a bursting…lol…I definitely don’t want that I want to be clear, strong and assertive, but with respect, love, compassion and comprehension on my side. I She mentioned this light blue showing color appearing in my drawing showing a higher spiritual wisdom. Oh man! This woman had me going nuts, fascinated!!!
I can go on and on, (I’m trying to be short here) on all the feedback, on telling you how someone is very interested in me coming out of my shell and shine. I knew, I know. appreciate that! But, enough…too talkative now…lol…but this time, I feel so confident about me, about my voice, about my message, about my path! Beautiful path!
It’s such a beautiful feeling to connect at such level in which I felt so much peace immediately I saw her in fb…the trust…and this level I still can’t describe. So, synchronized in mind, soul and energy. But, I just want to finalize by saying Johana hasn’t been but a beautiful light in my path…just like this turquoise aqua color in my life! Thank you, Johanna very much! I love you dearly”.
Wow! This is amazing! I am a preschool teacher, I always follow my instincts, I have a tendency of ”predicting” my future, I am super creative and love to paint! You should see my classroom = ) My feet have been bothering me a lot lately.