In a previous post, Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection, I related the soul to being a lot like the electricity that allows the computer to function. Without that electricity, the operating system and the parts of the computer are useless.

I also related the fact that the chakras are the soul component of the glands that are correlated to them. So for this article, we will examine what we know about the glands, what we know about the chakras, and what connection we can make between the two by examining the underlying meaning of them.

What the Glands Do

creative energy drawings

The glands in the body can be thought of as switches in the computer. They are responsible for regulating and directing the flow of energy coming from the nervous system out into the body. The energy that powers the body is known as hormones. The glands in the body act as message delivery centers that tell the organs in the body what to do and when, and the hormones are the messengers that carry those messages to the organs.

What the Chakras Do

Like the glands, the chakras act as switches that direct the flow of energy coming from the divine into the soul. The energy that powers the soul is known as chi. The chakras act as message delivery centers that tell the operating system in the brain what to do and when, and the chi are the messengers that carry those messages to the operating system.

The Base Glands: The Gonads

The testes and ovaries secrete hormones that regulate growth and development. The gonads provide the bulk of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. While they are called sex hormones because they result in the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts and chest hair, they are primarily responsible for preparing the body for reproduction and the ability to feel sexual desire.

When the Gonads are not working properly, everything stops working. The mind can’t seem to stay focused. The entire body feels drained of energy. It can feel like nothing is reaching you. Desire is suppressed or even absent. Your ability to control your emotions is decreased and you may seem more irritable than usual.

The Root Chakra

The root chakra is related to feelings of trust and security, trust in others, trust in ourselves, and security in our relationships with others and with the world. When the root chakra is blocked, we are worried, anxious, and ruled by fear. We may close in on ourselves rather than opening up and reaching out.

Reproduction, Creativity, and Trust

When we are our best selves, we are open to giving and to receiving love, and reproduction is the result. We are open to giving and receiving ideas, and creativity is the result. Trust is what allows us to be open to give and receive love. Trust is what allows us to be open to giving and receiving ideas. Trust is what allows our energy to flow naturally, effortlessly, and without having to “do” anything except be ourselves.

The Source of Self-Confidence and Security

Trust is the source of self-confidence and security. When we trust, it is because we feel safe. We feel secure. We know that nothing is meant for our harm, and all is meant for our good. This leads us to confidence in ourselves, in others, and in our world.

The Trust Hormone

Oxytocin, the hormone that regulates trust, is secreted by the gonads. It is released into the blood stream during physical touch, sexual intercourse, nursing, and childbirth. Oxytocin boosts the brain’s tendency to prioritize the needs of others ahead of our own.

Too Much Trust Is Not Healthy

Trust makes us vulnerable to those who are not working in our best interests. Sexually, too much trust leads to promiscuity which can leave us broken hearted, feeling used, and even being abused. Creatively, too much trust can result in us giving everything away without opening ourselves up to receiving in return, and that can lead us to feeling used, abused, and misunderstood. This is why balance is the key.

The Other Chakras

The role of the other chakras is to protect the Root Chakra’s natural tendency to be open, vulnerable, trusting, and giving by guiding and directing its energies in an appropriate manner.

Next: The Sacral Chakra and the Adrenal Glands

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