In the last three sessions of Chakras and the Body-Mind-Soul Connection, we’ve discussed how the body and soul work together to communicate divine truths to you, helping you see areas where you are allowing fear to get in between you and the flow of its energy and how that manifests itself in your life through your emotions and desires.

Last session, we talked about the Sacral Chakra and its role in helping you to discern what you need to absorb and where you need to let go. In this article, we’ll focus on the solar plexus chakra and the pancreas and the role those two play in helping you to understand and interpret the divine messages coming your way.

The Pancreas


It is the job of the pancreas to take the food we’ve chewed and break it into smaller particles that make it easier to digest and absorb. It also is in charge of when that flow of energy, created during the digestive process, gets released and how quickly it is released by releasing insulin to keep the stream of energy nice and steady or glucagen when the blood sugar levels get too low.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

This is the chakra that is known as the center of your being. It is where your self-discipline, self-control, and will power originate. It is where the interior vision of who you are and what your worth is to the world begins.

What the Pancreas Tells Us about the Solar Plexus Chakra

If we look at the pancreas, we can see that it is involved in taking the energy that is found outside of our bodies and breaking it down into smaller bits of energy that we can convert to fuel our own thoughts, desires, and dreams.

We are constantly receiving a stream of this energy in the form of life experiences and information gathered, far more than we could ever use in a single lifetime, and it is the job of the Solar Plexus Chakra to pick apart that energy for us and help us break it down so we can make sense of it. It is also the job of the Solar Plexus to regulate how much of that energy is released into us and when so that we’re not overwhelmed with it but can get exactly the right amount to sustain us and keep us going.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra Is Blocked

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, we are unable to process any of the information and energy we’re receiving. We become confused and disoriented. We’re lost. We don’t know which way to turn for help or what to do. Because the Solar Plexus is blocked, the energy needed for the Sacral Chakra to fulfill its process of discernment isn’t being received and we get stuck. We don’t know which energy to use and which to discard. Because we’re confused, we have trouble trusting what we’re receiving. Every chakra down the line is impacted if this Chakra is blocked.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra Is Too Open

If the Solar Plexus Chakra is stuck in open mode, we are being bombarded with energy and information faster than we can process it. We’re so busy trying to keep up with what’s coming in that nothing gets sorted and nothing gets filtered. It breaks down our ability to defend ourselves from what’s harmful, so we just store everything for later and we become bloated with energy.

The Challenge of the Solar Plexus Chakra

Giving ourselves time away from the steady stream of information, energy, and knowledge is the key to balancing the solar plexus chakra. We need to create space in our lives for time to reflect and get back in touch with nature. We need to engage in simple tasks that require no thought so that we have time to sort through all the things we’ve received and break them down into useful tidbits we can process before getting on to the next thing.

Next: The Heart Chakra and the Thymus

In our next article in the series, we’ll examine the role of the heart chakra and the thymus in teaching us how to regulate the flow of life energy into and out of us.

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