Wearing Green Socks might make you Heal Faster?
so you say, WHAT? Wearing Green socks might make you Heal Faster?
Green is the color of healing. It’s related to the heart chakra. Green is the color of nature and conjures up images of growth and rebalancing. Many cultures color their money green, and green is an emotionally positive color. It is the perfect combination of both yellow, which is associated with joy and blue which is wisdom. Green can be used as a calming color because it has the optimism of the yellow and the insightful peace from the blue. Green is associated with the word, GO.
So next time you are not feeling so good, try wearing green color socks with the intent of it moving you forward into health and happiness. Your legs are associated with movement, and I’m sure your feet wouldn’t mind a little love and nurturing!
Think about what how you can bring more color into your life, with intent. Magic could happen!