How I became Intuitive

How I became Intuitive

How I became intuitive has to start with my car accident when I was 23. (I, of course, was born intuitive, but it’s not until I was literally hit over the head that I started expanding my awareness.)

I was out with friends. I was in the back seat and WHAM! A car slammed right into the back of ours. I didn’t realize it at first, but whiplash hurts!!! ….It took months of rehab, and I got tired of having to go back and forth to all the physical therapy sessions, so I took matters into my own hands and went to my apartments local gym. Hmmm big no no! I was alone, and the butterfly pulley broke, and SLAMMED into the left side of my face. (I think my angels thought I needed another hit over the head! Literally!)

This time, I suffered from a pretty crazy concussion. I lost a third of my eyesight in my left eye, had a lovely black eye and a massive headache for days. I was convinced that I would make millions by suing the insurance company. Instead, I ended up with little compensation, and worse, unemployed due to the depression that followed. I felt like I was a donut. I had a huge hole missing inside of me. I would go to every free psychic fair there was in my neighborhood. I ‘felt’ like the psychics knew something I didn’t. Like there was a whole new world that I wasn’t a part of. The process was MUCH slower than I would have liked, but I met a Reiki Master, named Valerie Byram and she opened the door to that lovely world called ‘The Woo Woo’.

After a reiki session she performed on me highlighted information only before a doctor and an x-ray has recognized, I was immediately fascinated by Valerie’s ability to intuit what was going on with me. She invited me to her reiki | & || class, and then  I took my master level on 1995. Later, I became ordained as a way to avoid any possible legal action taken against me for ‘touching’ people without a license. (You can read about how that turned out to be a very lucrative decision in the article about my weddings!)

Since that time, I eventually in 2001 started to teach my own reiki classes and developed my personalized methods of training others to become more intuitive. It’s been a journey! But it’s always been filled with a lot more security of knowing that spirit is with me at all times. I have never really ‘felt’ like the donut again. In fact, today, I know the ‘other’ world so well, it’s rather weird that other people don’t, and it’s my favorite to share with them the tools on how to become more intuitive and see ‘frequency’ and all things Woo Woo.


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