“I think you just found your Soul’s Purpose!”

I get testimonials almost daily from my beautiful mentees. After a few hours of digging deep into Sandy’s story, her passions, and her true gifts, she found her soul’s purpose and was THRILLED! She wrote the next day, ‘This moment was PRICELESS’.

Finding one’s soul purpose is like trying to strike oil. It can be impossible with so many beliefs and emotions in one’s own way. However, my expertise allows me to tap into the deepest part of someone’s energy BEFORE we even meet – just with a name and a TON of concentration! I sometimes spend hours prior to sitting down with my mentees in order to see what I found and if it resonates.

I have the unique skill set in being three coaches in one.

Energy Healer: With 22 years of energy healing experience, I clear away old energy that is hiding a client from her truth
Intuitive Empath: Being born an empath, I can tell when someone’s lying to themselves, which help us navigate old beliefs that are standing in the way of success
Business Expert: Over the past 25 years, I’ve built dozens of businesses, ranging from a web design/publishing company to a real estate investment firm. I’ve also owned and run a hotel, as well as a 5-star award winning wedding business. My companies have grossed millions of dollars.

By intertwining these skills seamlessly into my mentoring programs, I’m able to in sometimes less than hours, help strike oil where others have failed.

“When the why and the what are answered, the how becomes so easy”. Mentoring 1:1 is my absolute favorite activity. I love getting DEEP with a mentee and seeing them through a journey to live different experience of life. I use a combination of subconscious healing, belief clearing, and business guidance to bring clarity of action to areas that have been unavailable prior. I have developed ‘The MEPS Method’ where each separate part of the energy body; the Mental, the Emotional, the Physical and the Spiritual bodies are loved on in order to create massive transformation.

As a result of my mentoring:

~ 80% of mentees start making money within the first month
~ a high percentage double, triple and quadruple their incomes
~ they are aligned with their soul’s purpose, so they love what they do
~ their advanced intuitive abilities help them with their wealth, health, and relationships


You KNOW you are here to serve humanity in a BIG way. You’ve heard “THE CALL”, but you are ‘stuck’ in old belief patterns and limitations. You need someone to walk you through the sometimes treacherous but exciting walk of becoming a full-blown spiritual entrepreneur.

 You’ve stepped out of the spiritual closet and are blossoming into the Lightworker you came here to be.

You’d like to include the word, ‘Intuitive’ or ‘Spiritual’ in front of your business offering, such as ‘Intuitive Business Coach’, ‘Medical Intuitive Nutritionist and/or ‘Spiritual Mentor’, but you don’t feel like you’ve developed your skill set to authentically own that designation. You need an experienced spiritual entrepreneur to guide you and help you strengthen your all things woo!

I believe those of us that have received ‘The Call’ is bound to a soul contract to serve humanity at this time, and The Universe isn’t hanging up! I’m absolutely 100% committed to helping light-workers raise the consciousness of the planet, and I believe in order to do so, they need to have the money and resources to spend the majority of their energy doing so. (Light-workers shouldn’t be having to work at McDonald’s all day! LOL)

During this 16 week ‘Advanced Spiritual Entrepreneur’ program, we will dig deep into how to develop your Super Powers (your natural intuitive gifts as well as using intuitive tools such as tarot, a pendulum, automatic writing, muscle testing, healing, working with your guides, energetic boundaries and much more maximizing your intuitive skill set) through the language of feelings as well as how to maximize them to create the most fantastic, heartfelt, ABUNDANT business of your dreams!

I will work with you in the following 3 ways:
1. DAILY ENERGY SUPPORT: I connect energetically at least 10-15 minutes per day to ensure your energy field and guides are working to your highest and best growth potential

2. DAILY BUSINESS SUPPORT: Feel free to send me intuitive and business questions, including offers, etc 6 days a week – I will spend up to 20 minutes per day answering. (I regularly respond within the hour, but promise to respond within 24hrs unless otherwise noted)

3. WEEKLY FACE TO FACE SUPPORT: We will meet face to face via our zoom meetings to dig in deep into emotional healing, personalized intuitive lessons, and business knowledge base sharing.

4. HOMEWORK: Each week you’ll be assigned an intuitive exercise to do for homework – as in tarot readings, automatic writing and/or energy drawings – by the end of the program you’ll be a professional ‘intuitive’ with testimonials from happy clients

I am often told I’m like hiring, ‘Three Coaches in One’. In my experience, I’ve found that the skills you’ve been developing for the past 10-20 years are those that are part of your soul’s contract, you just weren’t aware that that was the purpose of learning them. I believe that all your past hurts, traumas, life experiences, as well as your professional education are the perfect combination of skills and knowledge to fulfill your soul’s purpose.

Ironically, it wasn’t until I fully stepped into serving my purpose did I look back and realize how much training I was getting to fulfill my true destiny. I started as an entrepreneur at age 15! But, it wasn’t until the age of 20, that I started building businesses. I’ve always been an artist and became a Reiki Master and Reverend in 1997. Today, I have 25 years of business experience and 23 years experience in the energy healing arts.

I am a past multi-million dollar business owner, a published and recognized artist and have served more than 1000’s of clients and students over the past two decades.

Businesses I’ve owned, Founded or Co-Founded:
1988 – Wholesale Import/Export Clothing Company
1993 – Freelance Arts Network
1995 – Reiki Healing and Classes
1993 – Freelance Artist, Graphic and Web Designer
2002 – Woo Woo Parties, Event Services
2003 – Win-Win Scenarios, Real Estate Rehab
2003 – ATW Investments ($250M/yr)
2003 – U-N-Me Win, Inc (Value of $7.5M)
2007 – Inn on the Riverwalk ($800k/yr)
2008 – San Antonio Downtown Weddings ($240k/yr)
2016 – Creative Energy Healing & Coaching

What is it like to work with me?
Be prepared to work! I will gently push you to grow, however, know that developing your intuition is much like trying to get 6 pack abs, it will take lots of practice – the more practice the better you’ll become. Results won’t come overnight, but working with a spiritual mentor can escalate one’s personal journey far beyond anyone can do alone. After just a few sessions, most of my clients will notice dramatic differences in their intuitive abilities.

I’m interested in working with those that really WANT to make themselves successful. After just a few sessions, most of my clients can outline their programs, advertise their programs and MAKE SALES! In fact, 80% of my clients make more money (some have reached 5 figure months) than before they started working with me! I’m looking for HUGE results – and so should you!

A questionnaire sent prior to the onset of the sessions to document what positive and tangible outcomes from the work we do together, as well as lay the ‘today’ vs ‘tomorrow’ vision.

Here’s what to expect as results:
– You’ll know your EXACT soul’s purpose in the world, and what you need to do to fulfill that purpose
– You’ll be aligned and grounded with your soul’s mission and unique intuitive gifts
– You’ll receive daily energetic support and clear to release any mental and emotional blocks
– You’ll have access to your own intuitive information that will make business decisions so much easier
– You’ll experience more ‘ease’ and abundance in your life because you’ll be in the FLOW
– You’ll be able to outline your most Soul-Aligned business offerings that you’ll LOVE implementing
– You’ll experience more LOVE for yourself, your family, and humanity
– You’ll experience life on a whole new level of depth – a Ferrari inner life instead of a Kia 😉
– You’ll receive 100% commitment from me – I will make myself energetically and intellectually available (bar no emergencies or illness) for your whole journey
– You’ll receive a recorded copy of each call

Includes 2 x 180min + 10 x 90min + 1 x 30min sessions + Daily Support + Bonuses

Most sessions include a mini-meditation, intention setting, review of last week’s homework, emotional status, and deep dive on a specific topic that’s relevant to getting your business making money.

Each session CAN have the following structure, however, my programs are completely CUSTOMIZED towards the greatest potential healing/growth during our time together.


WEEK #1. “RECOLOR YOUR WORLD” Experience (180 mins) – let’s get deep into what’s blocking you from your soul’s serving the world and reaching the most ‘true’ state of abundance and happiness

WEEK #2. YOUR SUPER POWERS (180 mins) – let’s get down to business and even clearer on your unique frequency, your intuitive gifts, and how the idea of money is preventing you from manifesting your desired life. (Intuitive Homework)

WEEK #3. EMOTIONAL HEALING (90 mins) – Energy Realignment and adjustment – including a long distance Reiki healing attunement (additional $250 value) and healing to help aid the opening of your gifts

WEEK #4. REST – take the time to integrate what you’ve learned and allow your body to catch up.


WEEK #5. INTUITIVE EXERCISES: (90 mins – zoom call) – let’s get even clearer on your unique frequency, your intuitive gifts, and go through exercises on how to strengthen them (Learning the Tarot)

WEEK #6. INTUITIVE EXERCISES: (90 mins – zoom call) – let’s get even clearer on your unique frequency, your intuitive gifts, and go through exercises on how to strengthen them (Learning How to Use your body as a yes / no)

WEEK #7. INTUITIVE EXERCISES: (90 mins – zoom call) – let’s get even clearer on your unique frequency, your intuitive gifts, and go through exercises on how to strengthen them (How to Heal others)

WEEK #8. REST – take the time to integrate what you’ve learned and allow your body to catch up.


WEEK #9. MONEY SOUL LEVEL HEALING (90 mins) – let’s get connected to what your soul is trying to tell you about money, and apply healing energy to release anything that’s in the way of your financial success. (Intuitive Homework)

WEEK #10. MONEY HEALING – MOTHER: (90 mins) – let’s highlight and heal more lessons we’ve learned from our mother about money and success** (Intuitive Homework)

WEEK #11. MONEY HEALING – FATHER: (90 mins) – let’s highlight and heal more lessons we’ve learned from our father about money and success. (Intuitive Homework)

WEEK #12. REST – take the time to integrate what you’ve learned and allow your body to catch up.


WEEK #13. BUSINESS – YOUR OFFERS: (90 mins) – let’s get deep into your offers – what are you going to offer, pricing and the alignment of those to you and your soul path. (You’ll come away with an outline of your offers for the 12 months.) (Intuitive Homework)

WEEK #14. BUSINESS – YOUR SALES & MARKETING: (90 mins) – How aligned are you to SELLING and MARKETING your product/service? Are there blocks? How excited are you to share your amazingness with the world?

WEEK #15. WRAP UP: (90 mins – zoom call) – You’re ready to fly! Let’s wrap up what we’ve learned and created steps to move forward.

BONUS!!! #16. FOLLOW UP: (30 mins) – this session is a follow-up session approximately 30 days after the WRAP-UP session to ensure all is going well and if there are any issues to be addressed.

** 2 Energy Drawings are included in this package – Usually, the drawings are done in session, #7, #16 ($888 Value)


This is the best part of purchasing a package with me – throughout the sessions and up to 60 days after, you’ll have full email access (Sundays are my day’s off, and designated vacations). You’ll be able to ask me anything intuitive, but also questions about your business.
You’ll also have access to my FB group, where you can meet other like-minded individuals in my circle.

EXTRA BONUS: Eeeeee!! ($444 Value)
Free access to ‘How to See, Draw and Interpret Energy’ BASIC classes. This course will intensify your intuitive abilities 10 fold! My students have incredible results learning this modality.
“I can’t tell you how much Johanna’s intuitive, healing and business guidance has meant to me over the past year. She’s constantly able to navigate me to the next level of my intuitive abilities that are realigning deeper and deeper into my soul’s purpose! My life has changed in so many ways – I’m so much more confident in my life direction and make business decisions with so much more ease and grace. Life is EASIER! I can’t say enough great things about her talent – she is an absolute MASTER energy healer, intuitive and business coach!”

Shelley D. Monterey, CA

Due to price changes, please note that this package can be used up to 60 days from purchase, If the purchase is not fully redeemed within 180 days, the unused purchase amount will be credited to new pricing per minute and can be credited for any services, as well as can be transferred however there are NO CASH REFUNDS.

Payments are available – please ask. (At least 30% of the balance is due to start the program, additional payments can be arranged – please ask. (There is an additional 20% processing ‘fee’ on all payment arrangements due to the risk of the client leaving the program and not being paid for the rather large initial work up front when committing to a new client.)

PRICING: As I continue to invest in myself, my mindset and my confidence levels, my prices are constantly increasing (they’ve increased 3 fold in the past 6 months!), please know you are seeing the prices that reflect my services today, and there’s no guarantee of future pricing.

I'd love to discuss how we can co-create magic in your life.

6 + 8 =