As a former real estate mogul and hotel owner, I’m very with what it feels like to have money but be totally out of alignment with my soul purpose and unhappy at the end of the day.

As an empath, I’ve always been highly aware of my feelings. As a Reiki Master for the past 22 years, I love how our energy fields contain all of our emotions, thoughts, spiritual gifts and purposes. I’m also an artist and when I started learning how to read energy, I incorporated my artistic tendencies into it.

Eight years ago my life came to a screeching halt, and the universe forced me to change my lifestyle. I lost family members, my fortune, my marriage fell apart and my health suffered as a result of my constant high-speed chase of running down the dollar.

I leaned on my empathic skills and understanding of how to help myself through Reiki, energy healing and mindset work. Through my own healing, I could see that I wasn’t happy with myself or life because I wasn’t in alignment with my soul purpose.

Today, I mentor empathetic entrepreneurs around the world who are searching for their happiness, struggling to get into alignment with their soul purpose. I draw my clients’ soul essence and their energy fields and give messages to my clients that they need to hear. I work with clients 1:1 to heal energy and shift into their soul alignment.

To learn more about how I work with entrepreneurs, please click here to see my offerings.